Monday 9 May 2011

HD Test -

First test of 1080p with AO! No clouds... because they're not in my dropbox 8E
This image is a .jpg.. and shrunk/ compressed slightly... for blogspot...


Thursday 21 April 2011

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Backup :~

int $i;
// the starting TreeType1Proxy
int $treeNum = 103;
for($i=1; $i<=1035; ++$i)
// create a new locator and point constraint it to a PlaceholderTree.
spaceLocator -p 0 0 0;
eval("select -r PlaceholderTree" + $i);
eval select -add locator1;
doCreatePointConstraintArgList 1 { "0","0","0","0","0","0","0","1","","1" };
pointConstraint -offset 0 0 0 -weight 1;
// get the x, y, z coords for the locator. Set these to proxyTx, proxyTy and proxyTz variables.
float $proxyTx = eval("getAttr locator1.tx");
float $proxyTy = eval("getAttr locator1.ty");
float $proxyTz = eval("getAttr");
// generate a "random" number for use as the y axis rotation for the new tree
float $randomRot = rand(0 - 360);
// duplicate the last tree
eval("duplicate TreeType1Proxy__" + $treeNum);
// increment treeNum to the duplicated tree
// select the new tree and then move this to the position of the locator and rotate the in the y axis
eval("select TreeType1Proxy__" + $treeNum);
move $proxyTx $proxyTy $proxyTz;
rotate -p 0 $randomRot 0;
// delete the locator
delete locator1;

int $a;
int $i = 1;
for($a=1; $a<=21; ++$a)
select -r EnvGroundTarget EnvGroundFlat ;
blendShape -frontOfChain;
int $j;
eval("select -r PlaceholderTree" + $i);
for($j=1; $j<=49; ++$j)
eval("select -tgl PlaceholderTree" + $i);
select -tgl EnvGroundFlat;
setAttr "blendShape1.EnvGroundTarget" 1;
setAttr "blendShape1.EnvGroundTarget" 0;

file -force -save -options "v=0";

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Fixing the trees!

So... I manged to write a mel script that will fix the tree issue for us.

It took... a good few hours of googling, trial and testing, of different methods that I could think of, and work out the syntax for. @_____@

The method I made work, (and is actually the simplest) basically goes through every tree and sets the bounding box type and then the file location for the mental ray proxy.

Here it is:

int $i;
string $filePath = "scenes\ShapeTestMI.mi";
for($i=1; $i<=865; ++$i)
eval("setAttr TreeType1Proxy__" + $i + ".miUpdateProxyBoundingBoxMode 1");
eval("setAttr TreeType1Proxy__" + $i + ".miProxyFile -type " + "\"string\"" + " $filePath");

I'll set this up when I get into University, but i'm putting it up here incase you need it sooner.

Change "scenes\ShapeTestMI.mi" to the file location.
Change 865 in "for($i=0; $i<=865; ++$i)" for additional trees.

ALSO! TreeType1Proxy__27 and 28 are missing, and will cause the script to stop.
So duplicate and rename two trees to 27 and 28 to solve this.