Tuesday 14 December 2010

Text Maya

So, been doing some experiments, been messing with .tga as textures with bump maps, pretty much everything you could do with nuke I guess. Gonna try some particle stuff in houdini now.

like how it looks like the text is actually lighting the scene. could only really do that in 3D

in case you cant see it the text is just black, it looked better in the render view

text grabs too much attention

looks vaguely painterly but makes the background very flat

favourite so far.

Was trying to see if you could project a bump map, but havn't found anything so far

Monday 22 November 2010

Scene Mood Boards


Child Friendly Forest

Dark Forest

Torchlight Forest

Depressing House

Tuesday 16 November 2010

transition 2.0


the idea of anti-gravity slow mo exploding transitions is really cool and cinematic, but it is very inception. so in the same vein i want to think about the environment collapsing downwards, like breaking into a black hole, turning 2d and collapsing.
here is a very very quick mock up of using cloth to make the environment fade, which can also be blurred and smudged in the same way.

cool advert, pop up.
